Upcycling as a tool for green entrepreneurship
The project StartUpcycling trains young and disadvantaged citizens to regard waste as a resource for creative upcycling production and start-up ideas. There is a high potential for more jobs in the field of sorting materials and creating goods to re-enter the economy.

When related to social innovation and entrepreneurship, the notion of sustainability must be conceptualized in a new way to be meaningful. Banerjee (2011) defines sustainability along three integrated dimensions: economic, social and environmental. Upcycling for sustainability is hence not just a design approach. It is a mind-set and a practice concerned with the lifecycle of things, emergent organizational forms and mutual efforts for change across social groups. An upcycled object or process has improved eco-credentials, but it is primarily the story of rehabilitation and the visible processes of re-valuing waste instead of throwing it away. What makes upcycling distinct from other kinds of social innovation is the incorporation of the transformation process. Upcycled products and processes are not just ‘better’ than the original, they also incorporate the aging process, telling stories such as ‘production with zero waste’, ‘small is beautiful’ and ‘start local, but think global’ (Earley, 2011). Consequently, upcycling is both concerned with re-assessing the past and paving the way for a desired future.Mapping upcycling worldwide!
We decided to use an online map to further promote sustainable initiatives and entreprises in the field of upcycling. This is how we started to connect with the "mapping for good" ("Karte von morgen").
At the same time, youth unemployment is an acute problem, both in developed and developing countries, and constitutes the predominant reason for social exclusion and poverty. It leads to resignation, frustration and sometimes even aggression.
With “StartUpcycling" we want to promote the exchange of good practices in the fields of youth unemployment and upcycling. This network will help to create new alliances among needy people, social workers, business managers and organizations at national and even international levels.
Upcycling can thus include a range of actors in their role as citizen, professional or volunteer. It also includes the skills and knowledge at hand, as well as waste material such as abandoned industrial areas, disposed goods and by-products. Social upcycling competencies consequently involve[1]:
· an eye for potential;
· a knowledge brokering mind-set;
· a willingness and boldness to act without a business plan, and
· the passion and desire to create the future and not just let it happen.
Therefore, we are convinced that “upcycling” is not only something creative or a hobby. It can give a huge skillset and willingness to change for young people who may not have an occupation or any perspectives.
Everyone can fill this online map with new points that are related to upcycling using the label "#upcycling".
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