Germany: How VAUDE is contributing to integration and green employability

The German mountain equipment supplier VAUDE has followed the political call for integration in the labor market, employing 12 refugees. Meanwhile, all are incorporated and are socially integrated. Now, seven refugees might need to get deported. "We took responsibility and invested a lot of time and money. Now we should lose the workforce that we urgently need. It will be a great economic damage for us, not to mention human catastrophe. We no longer want to be the play ball for politics, "says Antje von Dewitz, VAUDE Managing Director. That's why VAUDE launched an initiative that in just a few weeks joined more than 80 companies and three associations from Baden-Württemberg. Together, they campaign for the right to stay for refugee employees with permanent work or training positions.

This text was first published on and got translated by Teresa Wald.


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