Social sport

‘Social sport’: I just came up with the term. I like it. What I mean with it is the use of sport in social work. As a methodology. Sport can serve a number of purposes, from enhancing the mental health and well-being of individuals, to the regional cooperation and the inclusion of refugees in local communities. That’s social innovation: the merging of unforeseen ideas and usage of old and new concepts and combinations to find solutions for pressing problems. That's thinking outside of the box. The first things that come to the minds of people when one mentions sport, are usually corruption, business, competition, national pride, etc. At which moment in history did knighthood disappear from sport? Old-school sport was about knighthood, honor, health; many sportists would protect weaker people and many of them turned out to be the war heroes in the XX century. I remember when I was a kid, how I enjoyed it. I was born and bred in...