
Showing posts from October, 2017

Agricultural project: Roots and Origins

   ROOTS AND ORIGINS „If you want to make small changes, Change how you do things If you want major changes,   change how you see things! “                                        Don Campbell (holistic management)     Agriculture, as known in these days, is closing to its end. Conventional production, integrated, even eco-organic can’t return the soil in its original state. Because of usage of standard agricultural techniques, soil have lost most of its original purpose and powers: to grow plants, holding water, collecting sun and to feed animals and people. Usage of chemicals and inorganic fertilisers for decades caused dramatic reduction of fertile alive soil stratum. Even production on organic principals didn’t show results. Aldo eco (organic) product...

Our Polish partner FUNDACJA LAJA: Inspiring through tea!

Jakub from Cieszyn is telling us: The October meeting of organizations within the Inclusion is Fusion project was attended also by Fundacja Laja. I was an EVS volunteer in Laja in 2016 and I´d like to share my point of view about what we do. We are a young organization. It's only five years since we were born and since then we are constantly developing and expanding our activities. The emergence of the organization arose from the need to give expression and face to our common idea that it is possible and necessary to improve the world - at least the part we can influence - through education, play and cooperation. We focus on ecology - because we want future generations to experience the world green and clean; culture - we try to raise the human spirit, because not only food is the living; social responsibility - we show people that each of us is responsible for his decisions and can be a good farmer in his small part of the world if he realizes their consequences and contex...

Merging sustainability, social inclusion and employability

"Inclusion is Fusion" is the title of a European youth worker exchange that started in 2017. This blog was born during the project meetings and compiles the main outcomes, stories and best practice examples. It invites everyone to join the network, to contribute to the blog and help spreading the word for sustainable approaches in youth work. The project "Inclusion is Fusion" aims at merging sustainability, diversity and employability for young people. We want to link those three aspects to further promote a sustainable lifestyle among youth and support their employability in the green sector. The project “Inclusion is Fusion“ responds to three major concerns not only present in many European countries but in countries all over the world: environment, exclusion of newcomers and youth unemployment. Its approach is to find ways to link sustainability, diversity and entrepreneurship for youth. The project gives space to talk about how we can promote the i...