How to help to a homeless person right now in a sustainable way?

#Inclusion #homeless #mentalhealth #social #innovations Many people want to help but they are afraid to approach to the people in big need. For example, a homeless person, because his or her condition can be so bad, that you’d rather just look away. That’s understandable and there are as many reactions and sensibilities as there are people (and animals, even plants) on earth. First step is to acknowledge how you would feel when approaching to a homeless person, given they might not want help. Or they don’t want help from you, but would accept it from someone else. That doesn’t mean they can sense if somebody is a bad person : ) It’s just like that for some reason, you may resemble their much hated uncle etc. So try applying a “small pieces consist a big picture”, start with small steps. And there’s planning and team-work Small “yeses” leads to a bigger yes. Even if something disgusts you, like very poor hygienic condition of a homele...